Produce functional parts that require high stiffness with a good surface finish and high impact resistance. Attributes are similar to Polypropylene (PP). This material is impact-resistant and is ideal for tooling applications, manufacturing aids, brackets, jigs and fixtures, housings and consumer applications, such as insoles.
Vero Vivid can be used to print high realism full color dental models. Find out more to reach excellent detail visualization.
The DraftWhite™ is a rigid white material, targeted for single-material medical applications such as orthopedics and craniomaxillofacial. Learn more here.
KeyGuide is a dental 3d printing material, ideal for fabricating transparent surgical guides, allowing doctors to place implants at precise angle & depth.
Explore the versatility of PolyJet 3D Printing materials. From customized flexibility to unique translucency, redefine material design for your projects
DraftGrey is the cheapest and fastest way to model on Stratasys PolyJet printers, printing at 2x the speed than normal and perfect for concept modeling.
BoneMatrix creates complex material depositing patterns that mimic porous bone structures, fibrotic tissues, and ligaments. It is a tough, flexible material with memory to maintain its shape. Musculoskeletal models match bone density characteristics and behave like native bone when force is applied such as discectomy, drilling, reaming or sawing.
Unique GelMatrix material and GelSupport™ depositing patterns allow you to print small and large, complex vascular structures and easily remove internal support material. The advanced material has a pudding-like consistency that allows for simple cleaning of blood vessel models. Water jets easily remove GelMatrix from blood vessels with inner diameters and wall thicknesses as small as 1.0 mm.
Stratasys offers a wide range of PolyJet support materials that are ideal for presentation models, concept prototypes, engineering models and detailed designs.